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Margo T Krasne

Speak Up!

Video 1 From the Brain to the Mouth
Video 2 So your Audience gets it
Video 3 Finding your Strawberry
Video 4 Converting Nerves into Energy


Communication Coaching

An effective presentation—whether virtual or in person-- does not live by words alone.


It involves conceptual thinking, strategy, active dialogue, and a personable, confident presenter!

“Confidence can't be faked! It comes from knowing what to do, learning how to do it, and doing it often enough, so you do it — with confidence.” 

— Margo T Krasne

I help

you to:

  • Develop your presentation’s strategy

  • Create the words that strengthens your message and its flow

  • Rehearse the content

  • Deliver an engaging presentation, whether on video or live, no matter how complex the content.

Matt Seiler

Global CEO

Universal McCann

“From coach to new business guru, Margo makes you see past you and your needs to that of your audience/client.”

Peter Thomson

Managing Director


“If you had told me that someone could improve my presentation techniques that much in 3 days, I would have scoffed – it was a revelation. The things that you taught me will stay with me for life. A huge thank you.”

Mark Kingdon


Kingdon Capital Management

“Margo, thank you for your help with our Annual Meeting. We are a cohesive, collaborative group internally and you made certain it showed to our clients.  Your input was invaluable.”

Robert L. Aromando

Jr. VP of Marketing

Bracco Diagnostics, Inc.

“Of all the courses and programs I have attended on presentation skills, you are by far one of the most effective and motivating instructors that I have ever encountered. I found both your method and content to be well-structured, to the point, and laser like in getting the point across.”

Averell H. Mortimer

President & Founder
Arden Asset Management, Inc.

''The assistance you have provided to our organization has made an enormous difference in Arden being able to deliver its message to investors. Your intuition, market instincts and overall judgment have been spot on. I personally like that you don’t pull any punches in letting us know where the soft spots are in our presentation. We have greatly benefited from your objective and candid commentary.''

Marcella Manoharan

Managing Director

Cambridge Coaching

“Providing both substantive structural help as well as crucial elements of presentation style, you gave me the confidence to succeed. I now have had my first taste of actually enjoying speaking in public. Thanks Margo!”

Selected Client Lists

Legal and Business Services:

Brand Asset Consulting
Loyalty One- Alliance Data
Marketing MVP
Rothstein Kass
Schulte, Roth & Zabel LLP
Valuation Research


Court TV
Direct TV
NBC Universal- Bravo/Oxygen
Rainbow Media/AMC
Six Flags Adventure Parks
Time Warner
Turner Broadcasting

Social Services:

After School Program, The
Grand Street Settlement House
The Posse Foundation
Services for the Underserved

Consumer Products:

Bracco Diagnostics
Bristol Myers
IDV Wines & Liquors
Lever Bros.
MAVI Jeans

Architecture, Design, and Fashion:

Clodagh International
JMGL Architects
Tory Burch LLC

Advertising and Communications:

Cheetah Mail
Gotham Advertising
Omnicom DAS
Wieden & Kennedy


American Association of Advertising Agencies
American Society of Interior Design
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Association of Legal Administrators (NY Chapter)
Institute for International Research


Arden Advisors
Banc of America Securities
Douglass Winthrop
Institute for Private Investors, The
Iridian Asset Management
Kingdon Capital Management, LLC
MidOcean Partners
Real Estate Capital Partners

Publishing and Books:

AARP Publishing
Book of the Month Club
Barnes &
Gruner & Jahr
Rodale Press
Warner Books/Time, Inc.

© 2021 by Margo T Krasne

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